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Apparel marker planning or auto nesting service

Achieve 1 - 5 % fabric savings compared with manual nesting

In most garments the cost of materials used accounts for about 70 % of the cost of the garment and every inch saved reflects direcly on your bottom line. Not only does the marker maker have to place the patterns optimally on the fabric but  has to also take into consideration the limitations of the fabrics and design requirements of the garment like plaid matching, mitering, chevroning etc. Every cutting room parameter as well as fabric characteristics have to be accounted for while arriving at the optimal marker.

Our marker makers have the required experience to help you achieve substatial savings in your cutting room.

Marketing teams can use our quick costing / consumption calculation services for costing garments accurately. 

Auto nesting / Marker making helps bring down fabric wastage and quote accurate prices to acquire clients

Apparel marker making and auto nesting services

Marker making

Try infinite placement combinations for every marker to bring down fabric consumption and costs.

Optimize solid , plaids and tubular fabrics

Apparel production cutting roomm

Optimum combinations

 Manually placing patterns has its limitations. Modern CAD tools get higher yields compared to a manual method in a matter of minutes.

Combined with a cut plan and a fabric management system yields optimum results.

automatic multi ply cutter

Speed, accuracy and cost advantage with automation

Automatic layering and cutting machines give a cost advantage where labour is either expensive or products require high accuracy cutting quality


New Delhi


Contact Us  : Click here
Phone: +91-9650-8484-46